Exercise Safety, Modifications and Progressions for the Expecting Mom (Online)

Online | 90 minutes | 100 Participants



Overview: Participating in exercise programs before pregnancy are safe to continue. In fact, there are very few programs women should avoid. However, as the body starts changing it becomes necessary to modify exercises and focus on programs to ensure comfort and safety.

In this session, we will talk about body, mind, and spirit accommodations for pregnancy and postpartum. It will be important to discuss realistic expectations for exercise and set appropriate fitness goals for your individualized needs. Women can and should exercise during pregnancy, so let us show you how to make it fun and a part of your daily routine!

  • Benefits and goals of prenatal & postpartum exercise.
  • General exercise recommendations and guidelines for pregnancy.
  • Trimester changes and maternal responses (physical, anatomical, and psychological).
  • Special exercise considerations relative to pregnancy trimesters.
  • Healthy lifestyle exercise modifications, alternatives, and recommendations.

Additional information

Target Audience

All personnel




8 Hours

Max Participants

25 Participants